Sambutan Kaprodi

    Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

We welcome visitors to the official website of the Accounting Study Program at the Faculty of Business, Law, and Social Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo. We hope that the presence of this website can assist visitors in further exploring information about the Accounting Study Program at UMSIDA. We also hope that the content provided on the website can offer the most beneficial information.

The excellence of the Accounting Study Program is supported by an academic environment, including a quality team of instructors who are experienced and have diverse scholarly focuses. Not only that, but we also facilitate self-development, encourage innovation, and excellence in learning, along with various facilities and programs designed to meet your learning needs, both nationally and internationally.

The Accounting Study Program at UMSIDA is capable of producing graduates who are professionally excellent and innovative in information technology-based accounting, adaptive to the development of science and technology based on Islamic values for the welfare of society by 2038 at the ASEAN level.

We hope that with this platform, the community can get to know the Accounting Study Program at the Faculty of Business, Law, and Social Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo better and make the best choice in developing knowledge and achieving a brilliant career.

Let’s join and grow with us!


Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.


Sarwenda Biduri, SE., MSA